Direct SEO Services
SEO basics rarely change, but high performance SEO
is not about the basics

SEO Services
Every SEO project is unique. Our SEO approach to your project will use one of two distinct methodologies:
- Enterprise SEO for medium to larger organisations or businesses in more competitive industries.
- SME SEO for smaller businesses, businesses in less competitive markets or business engaging SEO for the first time.
Both are important to us. The choice between these methodologies hinges not just on your business size, but on the nature of your market and your current SEO standing.
Enterprise SEO
Our Enterprise SEO isn’t just about how big your company is. It’s for businesses fighting it out in tough SEO battlegrounds. It doesn’t matter if you’re a medium-sized player in a cut-throat market such as insurance, or a big fish with thousands of products, our plan is to beef up your website’s ranking capability.Â
Enterprise SEO customers typically require process integration across the wider functional organisation including marketing, digital content, sales, IT, and executive / board-level management. Your SEO project leader at PraxisNow is fully capable of engaging at all these levels within your company.Â

If you’re a small or medium-sized business just starting your SEO journey, or your want to step up your SEO a gear or two, PraxisNow has a budget-friendly SME SEO service that gets it done. We’ve been at this for nineteen years, so our way of doing things is all about sparking organic growth, even when the budget’s tight.
We work with what you’ve already got on your website; if it’s not enough, we’ll explicitly define any additional work that needs to be done before your SEO can start delivering results. After that, you can choose either to go it alone or stick with us in an on-going relationship as you grow.Â
SEO Processes
The SEO landscape experiences monumental change as each year passes. In the past year alone, partly but not solely driven by Google, the changes have been particularly notable. They include Google’s new anti-spam updates, additional “Helpful Content” updates transferred to core and, to a certain degree, a “reining-in” of the irresponsible use of AI tools to boost rankings. PraxisNow’s SEO processes not only adapt to these changes but leverage them. It is true to say that we even depend on them as change can be leveraged for competitive advantage.
AI’s role in enhancing SEO efficiency cannot be overstated, contributing significantly in areas including data analysis, content ideation, and SEO auditing. Our processes, proven across diverse industry segments and website sizes, are designed to generate SEO momentum in the most efficient, responsible and sustainable way.

Why Choose Praxisnow SEO?
Personal Assignment
We offer you the very real benefits of a project leader with almost two decades of SEO experience directly assigned to your project.
Your project leadership will never be delegated to a less experienced resource.
Cross-functional Communications
As SEO’s contribution to your business grows, having this capability will help you (1) to maintain and develop executive buy-in , and (2) to address the cross-functional requirements that will drive increasing success into the future. Â
We see this as critical to your success because of the frequent need to communicate effectively at multiple levels across the organisation – from board to basement – and we’re as happy in the basement as we are with the board.Â
Proven Methodologies
Our SEO direct implementation and mentoring methodologies are highly evolved and proven over and over again across hundreds of SEO projects and mentoring engagements over nearly two decades.Â
We’ve directly engaged hundreds of SEO projects throughout Ireland, the UK and beyond. We consistently deliver SEO success for our customers – including customers in some of the most competitive SEO industries such Insurance, IT, Software, Retail, eCommerce and many other sectors.Â
Not Just Continual Learning
When you spend as long in the SEO industry as we have, you tend to know where the key information sources are, and they are not all well-known. Here is where the gold nuggets reside. SEO success has a direct relationship to knowledge and continual learning alone is not enough. Succeeding in SEO regularly comes down to that one little nugget of information that competitors never knew about. Â
SEO Services Direct
Explore more about what we can do for you in SEO and beyond by having an informal relaxed chat with us either by video or telephone call. Drop us an email on seo@praxisnow.ie or call 01-2360076 and we can set that up.Â