Advanced SEO Training should be Different

SIBM Blog Management

All SEO Training Courses are not the Same

It’s true to say that there are excellent SEO courses available online both free and paid. Check out the courses at HubSpot, the Digital Marketing Institute, Udemy, UCD, Semrush – and many more.

But while some of these courses present as “advanced” SEO training, most of them are not. Just because you learn something you did not know before does not make it “advanced”. That said, if you want to learn how to use an SEO Toolkit such as SE Ranking or Semrush, absolutely check out their SEO training which contextualises SEO to their Toolkits.

It’s About Scale

The Advanced SEO Programme assumes you know the basics and are now ready to learn how to scale your website’s SEO performance.

Free Live Interactive Advance Half-Day SEO Update

To be certain that you do in fact know the basics, all confirmed Advanced SEO registrants are invited to a full-morning advance Update and Review of current best SEO practice, one to two weeks in advance of the Advanced programme start date. That half-day alone is live and interactive and that morning alone is an incredible introduction and update to modern SEO.

“I learned more per minute on this programme with John than any other course I ever attended”

Looking at the published agendas from these third party programmes, most of their actual SEO content is covered in our own SEO Primer course. The free half-day SEO update is a condensed version of the two-morning SEO Primer.

True Advanced SEO

We define “Advanced SEO” as something you should be interested in AFTER you’ve implemented all the basic SEO factors on your website. It’s about scaling-up your SEO, not just best current practice! Because of this, the Advanced SEO Programme has held its ground since its original introduction in Ireland thirteen years ago.

Although today we only run it once or twice per year, it is consistently praised for being right-up-the-minute, covering content that is either not covered on other programmes or presented in a way that is uniquely useful.

A “Heavy” AI Component

PraxisNow’s Advanced SEO training course uses AI throughout to show how modern LLMs can be applied to the SEO process and to help achieve scale. Several simple, yet effective AI prompts are use to demonstrate specific ideas and all AI prompts are available in the supporting collateral.

Excellent Supporting Collateral

More recently, participants have complimented the programme for it’s AI prompts at different stages of the SEO process, its cheat sheets (with explanations) in key areas and the overall structure of the programme as a guide to actual larger scale SEO execution.

A Structured SEO Process to Accommodate SEO Strategy

The Advanced SEO Programme is focused on elements of SEO strategy development and the actual execution of those elements as they uniquely apply to your business and search landscape. It centres around a 15 or 16 stage SEO engagement and scaling process that covers everything you’ll need to match your organic footprint to the needs of your business, regardless of size.

The programme recognises SEO as a channel either to directly acquire eCommerce transactions or to generate B2B sales leads. Read more at The Advanced SEO Programme and get in touch if you would like to chat further about it.

Just over two minutes on what “Advanced” really means in the context of “Advanced SEO Training”.

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